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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!

"You are the light of the world... let your light shine."

Matthew 5: 14-16


Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday




On Tuesdays, the children will have their swimming lessons so they will need to bring their swimming kits to school each Tuesday. Please can all items of clothing (normal uniform and swimming kit) be named to try to prevent items from becoming lost. Many thanks.

Please can children in KS2 come to school in their PE kit on their PE days.

They will need to wear:  

  • black leggings or black/navy jogging bottoms 
  • yellow or white t shirts / polo shirts 
  • yellow school sweatshirts / cardigans  
  • trainers


Forest School


On Fridays this term, the children will have Forest School. They should come to school wearing old clothes that are suitable for getting messy. They should come to school wearing sun cream and a hat and have a coat and warm clothes in case the weather is unsettled.


School Uniform

Children should wear school uniform on non-PE days, unless otherwise informed.

  • Dark grey/black trousers (full length), shorts, skirt or pinafore (all at least mid-thigh length)
  • White polo shirt (with or without school logo) or plain white shirt/blouse
  • Yellow sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo
  • White/grey socks or grey/black tights
  • Yellow gingham dress may be worn during hot weather
  • Plain black school shoes or plain black trainers


Additional information:

  • Hair that is shoulder length or longer should be tied back and long fringes should be pinned away from the face, regardless of gender
  • Hair that is graded should not be less than a grade 2
  • Children should not have dyed, gelled or extremely cut or styled hair
  • Hair accessories should be plain-coloured (yellow, green, brown or black) and they should not wear JoJo Bows, cats' ears, unicorn horns etc.
  • Nail varnish or false nails are not permitted
  • Make-up is not permitted

Dates for your diary:

6th Feb - Year 3/4 girls football - Bridgwater College (individual children contacted)

Our Christian Values 

Autumn 1 - Our value for this half term is Thankfulness. In class, we will be thinking about this value and completing activities to link to this. We began thinking about this value when writing our class prayer. 



Autumn 2 - Our value for this half term is Trust. In class, we will be thinking about this value during our reflection time and completing activities to link to this.


Spring 1 - Our value for this half term is Perseverance. In class, we will be thinking about this value during our reflection time and completing activities to link to this.


Spring 2 - Our value for this half term is Justice. In class, we will be thinking about this value during our reflection time and completing activities to link to this.
