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Provisional Sporting Calendar

Provisional Sporting Calendar for Summer 2024


Y3/4 Football tournament against Stogursey – Home game

Thursday 18th April


15:30 - 17:00

St Mary's

Staff will ask for interest*

Cross Country County Training

(ran by John Irish)

Thursday 18th April

16:00 - 17:00


Already chosen by John Irish

Schools’ London Mini Marathon

2.6 miles


Whole School

On the track

The whole school will have the opportunity

Cross Country County Finals

Wednesday 24th April

After school

Yeovil - Rec Ground

Already chosen by John Irish

Y3/4 Football tournament against Stogursey – Away game

Thursday 25th April


15:30 - 17:00

Stogursey Primary School

Staff will ask for interest*

Netball Y5/6 Tournament

Tuesday 30th April

After school


Team chosen already

KS1 Multi-skills

Thursday 16th May

13:00 - 15:00

Bridgwater College

Parents/carers will be offered via email*

Swimming Gala Trials

Monday 20th May

14:45 - 15:45

Chilton 1610

Children in Y4-Y6 who can confidently swim 25 metres

Girls Cricket Y5/6

Thursday 23rd May

12:00 - 17:00

Wembdon CC

Staff will ask for interest/Cricket Club

Mixed Cricket Y5/6

Thursday 23rd May

12:00 - 17:00

Wembdon CC

Staff will ask for interest/ Cricket Club

Swimming Gala Y4/5/6

Tuesday 4th June

10:00 - 11:00

Chilton 1610

Pupils who qualified in the trials

Sports Day

Thursday 6th June



St Mary's

All pupils

Bowls trip for Class 11

Friday 7th June

13:30 - 14:30

Bridgwater Bowling Club

Class 11

Ultimate Frisbee Tournament

Friday 7th June

15:30 - 17:00

St Mary's

Staff will ask for interest*

Bikeability Group 1

Monday 10th June

During the day

St Mary's

The Office will share information nearer the time

Bikeability Group 1

Monday 10th June

During the day

St Mary's

The Office will share information nearer the time

PE Festival with John Irish

Thursday 13th June

All day

St Mary's

Offered to Y4, Y5 and Y6

Bowls trip for Class 12

Friday 14th June

13:30 - 14:30

Bridgwater Bowling Club

Class 12

Rounders Y5/6

Thursday 20th June

13:00 - 17:00

Wembdon CC

Staff will ask for interest*

Bikeability Group 2

Monday 24th June

During the day

St Mary's

The Office will share information nearer the time

Bikeability Group 2

Tuesday 25th June

During the day

St Mary's

The Office will share information nearer the time

Area Sports Athletics Y3/4

Wednesday 26th June

11:00 - 15:00

King Alfred's

Staff will ask for interest*

Quayside Gymnastics visit - Year 5/6

(15-20 children)

Thursday 27th June

14:40 - 15:40


Staff will ask for interest*

Quayside Gymnastics visit - Year 3/4

(15-20 children)

Friday 28th June

14:00 - 15:00


Staff will ask for interest*

Area Sports Athletics Y5/6

Thursday 4th July

10:00 - 14:30


Staff will ask for interest*

Rounders Final

Thursday 11th July


Wembdon CC

If we qualify, the same team will be offered to attend

*There are only a certain number of pupils able to attend each opportunity. Staff will determine suitability for each event and will make a decision based on a number of factors.
