Cricket Club is organised by Mr Green.
Please note that Cricket Club is fully subscribed. Children with forms returned on or from Monday 22nd will be placed on the reserve list and contacted if and when a space becomes available.
The club is held on Thursday after school and is for Year 3 - 6 pupils.
Children are dismissed from the school gate after Cricket club at 4.15pm.
The children will learn a range of cricket skills (batting, bowling, fielding etc) and play cricket matches based on the version of Dynamos cricket used in schools.
All equipment will be provided. Please note that the children will be using soft balls (e.g. windballs etc) and not traditional cricket hardballs.
Children should bring their PE kit to change into at 3:00pm ready for the start of the club at 3:15pm.
If the club needs to be cancelled due to poor weather, a decision will be made no later than lunchtime on the day and the school office will inform parents/carers of this.
Diary Dates:
Cricket club will run for the duration of the Summer term. The first session will be Thursday 25th April.
The last cricket club of the year will be Thursday 18th July.
Please note that there will no cricket club on Thursday 2nd May due to an appointment clash and no cricket club on Thursday 23rd May due to the Sedgemoor schools cricket tournament.