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Medical Information

Medication Policy




We always have the well being of your child at heart. If you feel there is a problem at home that may have an impact on your child in school, please tell us. We can assure you of complete confidentiality, but it is always better for us to know if there is something that is upsetting your child.


Child Protection

We have a written policy and established procedures to ensure the protection of children who may be in a threatening situation. All staff working with the children have been trained in these procedures. This ensures that any cases are referred to the appropriate investigative agency as a constructive and helpful measure.


The Headteacher is the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). Mrs Layton and Mrs Barnett are Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads.


Medical Issues



If your child is unwell, or has been unwell in the night, please do not send him/her into school.


If your child has been sick or had diarrhoea, please do not send him/her back to school until 48 hours after the last bout.


If your child becomes unwell at school, we will telephone you, or one of your named contacts, so please ensure that we always have your current contact details.


If your child has an accident at school, we have qualified First Aiders on the staff, who can deal with most problems. However, should anything serious occur, an ambulance will be called and we will inform you immediately.


Please let us know if your child develops a medical condition or if a known condition changes in some way.


As a general rule we will not accept responsibility for administering medicine in school. (See additional information on the use of medication in school further in this booklet).


If there is an exceptional need for medicine to be taken, then please come and discuss this with us so that the necessary forms can be completed.


PLEASE NOTE - Cough and throat sweets are not allowed in school





Our policy on medication (medicines, ointments, eye drops, throat sweets, etc.) is detailed below.


PLEASE NOTE - before any medication can be accepted into school you will need to speak to an office staff member, who will ask you to complete a medical form.


  • No member of staff can be required to administer medication to a child, for obvious legal reasons. However, office staff are prepared to give a child medicine where it has been prescribed by a Doctor to be taken FOUR times a day. Any medicine that has been prescribed to be taken three times a day can be given at home; in the morning before school; in the afternoon immediately after school and at bedtime.


  • Non prescribed medicines, such as Calpol, can only be administered by staff if parents give prior permission.


  • Medication that requires a clean procedure, such as eye drops/ointment or skin creams, will not be administered in school. If your child is not unwell but needs such treatment, you will have to come into school to administer any necessary medication.


  • If your child suffers from asthma, an inhaler must be kept in school and should be clearly labelled with your child’s name. A form must be completed detailing your child’s medication and frequency of use. Parents will be informed when the expiry date has passed and the inhaler needs to be replaced.


Finally, if your child is unwell in the morning, please do not send him/her to school, as we will only have to call you later in the day. We do not have the facilities to care for sick children in school and it can be very distressing for your child to be ill whilst at school. Also, if a child is unwell and is sent to school, other children and staff will soon become infected.


Head Lice

Unfortunately, this is a growing problem in schools. Please do not be alarmed or distressed if you discover your child has head lice as it is very common. The best method of prevention is:


  • Regular checks
  • Frequent wet-combing with a fine-toothed comb
  • Long hair tied back to prevent spread
  • Discourage sharing of hairbrushes and combs.


If we find your child has live lice in his/her hair, we will telephone you and ask you to take him/her home for treatment so as to avoid the lice spreading during the day. Once treated, your child may come back to school.


It is very important that your child is checked regularly and treated if necessary


Medical Services



From time to time we receive visits from medical professionals.


No child would ever be seen without the parents’ permission.


Hearing Checks

We receive an annual visit from the Audiologist who tests the hearing of the Reception children. Teachers may also refer other children if they have a concern about their hearing.


Sight Tests

Professionals visit regularly to test the children’s eyesight.


Height & Weight

Every year, the Reception Year & Year 6 children take part in an NHS measurement programme. However, if you do not wish your child to take part, you do have the opportunity to opt out.


Please see below QR code that will link to the Somerset School Aged Immunisation Team Facebook page, this is updated regularly with information regarding our vaccinations and clinics

