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End of KS2 SATs


In May 2025, your child will take national curriculum assessments in:

  • English grammar, punctuation and spelling
  • English reading
  • Mathematics


The tests help measure the attainment of pupils in relation to the standards set out in the national curriculum, and help teachers and parents identify where pupils may need additional support in a certain subject area. The tests are also used to assess schools’ performance, and school-level results data is used to produce national and regional performance statistics.


Your child will sit the KS2 tests on scheduled dates set by the Standards and Testing Agency (STA). For the academic year 2024 to 2025, the KS2 tests are scheduled to take place from Monday 12th May to Thursday 15th May 2025.


Monday 12th May 2025English grammar, punctuation and spelling papers 1 and 2
Tuesday 13th May 2025English reading
Wednesday 14th May 2025Maths papers 1 and 2 (arithmetic and reasoning)
Thursday 15th May 2025Maths paper 3 (reasoning)

