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P.E - Physical Education


PE Lead - Mr Ashley Trudgeon

At St Mary’s Primary School, we strive for a positive atmosphere and culture surrounding PE, physical activity and school sport. We challenge stereotypes and biases, ensuring that all children have equal access to sport and physical activities regardless of gender or disabilities. We want our children to leave with the skills and knowledge to continue to take part in sports and physical activity into their next steps in life, engaging in lifelong physical activity. For this reason, we have a number of links to local clubs and we offer many opportunities outside of our core PE offer for our children to develop themselves as young people. We are also an accredited PE Life Skills Award Delivery Centre, offering our KS2 pupils the opportunity to work towards the PE Life Skills Level 2 Award. We want our learners to be successful people, leaving our school with a wider values-based understanding of physical activity.


We are proud of our offer and have received external validation receiving the Gold School Games Mark for our provision for the past two years. We are also beginning the process of the afPE Quality Mark, to strive for the best for our pupils and celebrate the work that is undertaken on a daily basis by our staff at St Mary's. It is a self review and reflection which involves external validation by the afPE Validation Team to further improve and support our offer.


Outside of PE lessons, our physical activity and school sport offer provides children with a vast range of extra-curricular opportunities for all children before they leave us at the end of Year 6. We know that all of our pupils are individuals and are interested in taking part in sports for a variety of reasons. For this reason, we offer opportunities for all children to take part in physical activity for fun or to be more competitive, ranging from being physically active at break and lunchtimes, intra-school competitions, participation in our annual Sports Day or competing for a place in the Sedgemoor squad at the Somerset Finals.

Extra-Curricular Opportunities

School Games

We are delighted to announce that St Mary's has achieved the School Games Gold Mark for the past two academic years, building on the Silver recognition we received in 2021-2022.
The School Games Mark is a Government-led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our successes.


Pupil Voice (Next Pupil Voice to be completed in Autumn 2024)

'It pushes us out of our comfort zones' - Year 6 pupil


'We get to learn about all different sports' - Year 4 pupil


'Our lessons are fun and really good' - Year 3 pupil

We asked our KS2 pupils in April to rate their PE lessons at St Mary's.

This is what they thought:
