Writing at St Mary’s
At St Mary’s, we seek to ensure that children are supported to be efficient and confident writers. Acquiring the skills to write is one of the most important things that a child will learn. We encounter writing everyday of our lives as it is the framework of our communication. Words can take a bounty of forms within writing. Children use their writing in almost all other subjects of the curriculum. Good writing also gives children a voice to share their ideas with the world. At St Mary’s, our writing is text-based, meaning that we use carefully-chosen, quality texts as a stimulus for our English lessons.
In the Foundation Stage, children will start to learn how to form letters correctly. They will be encouraged to use their knowledge of phonics to write words in ways that match their spoken sounds. As pupils progress through Key Stage 1, they will learn to write for a range of purposes, including stories and information texts. They will begin to re-read their writing to check it makes sense. They will also be expected to discuss what they have written and to read it aloud. Across Key Stage 2, children will continue to develop their skills in planning, drafting and reviewing what they have written. Children will learn to identify the audience for and purpose of their writing. They will be expected to use grammar appropriately. Grammar objectives are taught through the English lessons and applied to writing.
Pupils write a range of genres, following the reading of quality texts as a basis for exploration. The audience for writing is carefully considered to make it purposeful, and we give our pupils the opportunity to share their work where possible.
Tracking and assessment
Every child has an individual Teacher Assessment Framework for their writing, which is completed at a minimum of once every half term. An independent piece of extended writing from each child is assessed against key writing objectives. Regular moderation meetings occur within year group teams, phase teams and staff meetings. Outside of English lessons, there are numerous opportunities for pupils to apply their writing skills, across all areas of the curriculum, and these pieces may be used for assessment too.
Intervention and inclusion
Through careful monitoring and tracking, practitioners are able to identify children who are not making the expected progress and therefore need intervention to catch up. Depending on the needs of individuals, this may include specific phonic support, developing skills of writing and additional individual or small group tutoring. It is important that children who are struggling to learn to write not only need to catch up with their peers, but also to continue to make additional progress.
Our aim at St Mary’s is that every child’s needs are catered for, and every child is given the chance to succeed and become a competent writer. It is our aim to give every child the opportunity to experience success in learning and to be the best that they can be. Adaptive teaching, appropriate to individual children’s needs, is provided during class lessons and intervention sessions. SEND pupils have Pupil Passports and Support Plans, which may include specific writing targets.