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Welcome to St. Mary's Choir!

Performance News!



What absolute superstars you all were singing your hearts out at our Summer Fair

and, in the centre of town, for the Bridgwater Food and Drink Festival.


Everyone was incredibly proud of you!

Mrs. Hall 🎵 

Choir is organised by Mrs. Hall.


Practices are held on Tuesday after school and are for Year 2 - 6 pupils.


Children are dismissed from the school gate after choir at 4.15pm.   


If anyone new would like to join, please contact the school office for a consent letter or print and return the letter below.


Please ensure your contact details are up to date in the school office if your child attends choir.


Please note, there will be no practice on Tuesday 21st May because of School Discos.  Our last practice session of this academic year will be on Tuesday 11th June.

