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Forest School

Week 2 - We didn’t let the weather stop us today and actually enjoyed some sunshine in between the showers. Today we have tied knots, peeled potatoes, explored the mud kitchen and explored the school grounds to find different colours in nature.

Week 3 - Today we were very grateful to have a rain-free Forest School day! The children have been excellent and tried a range of different activities. They have whittled sticks, made salt-dough artwork with natural materials, explored the mud kitchen and planted broad beans! We’re aiming to nurture our seeds well so that they grow into tall beanstalks!

Week 4 - Today we did team building games, orienteering, created art with hammers and nails and used our whittled sticks to draw in the mud.

Week 5 - For our final Forest School, the children enjoyed free play in the mud kitchen and pond area. They had the opportunity to explore pond life and continue building bug hotels and shelters. They also practised their team working skills and created a map of the school field in groups of three. Finally, the children practised their cutting skills when making fruit smoothies. The day ended with smoothie tasting.
